Immigration Law Update on Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude and Inadmissibility

Immigration Law Update on Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude and Inadmissibility

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I recently had the honor of speaking on criminal immigration issues at the annual California Chapters Conference of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, and presenting an article with important updates on how to analyze crimes involving moral turptiude, now that the Ninth Circuit has overturned the Attorney General’s three-step factual inquiry analysis in Matter of Silva-Trevino. Recent Ninth Circuit and U.S. Supreme Court decisions on how to determine whether a conviction constitutes a crime involving moral turpitude (Olivas-Motta) along with more stringent rules on how to apply the modified categorical analysis (Moncrieffe, Descamps) have given immigrants new hope in the fight to avoid deportation.

If you are interested in learning more about these critical legal developments, you can find our article here.

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