Minors Arrested in Immigration Protest | San Jose Immigration Lawyers

Minors Arrested in Immigration Protest | San Jose Immigration Lawyers

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According to the San Francisco Chronicle, an immigration protest that was held just outside the U.S. Capitol resulted in the arrests of more than 20 people, which included seven youths. The youngest youth protester to be arrested was only 11 years old, according other news outlets. As part of the demonstration, the participants linked arms and conducted a sit-in protest in the middle of a busy intersection outside the U.S. Capitol, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. The protestors were advocating for an end to deportations. To communicate their message, they wore red shirts that said “Stop Separating Families.”

According to USA Today, all of the minors who were arrested at the protest have families that have been divided as a result of deportation. The 11-year-old who was arrested stated that he was taking a stand for his father, who is an undocumented immigrant, and also for all kids who do not get to have their parents and siblings around. He stated that families need to stay together. As reported by USA Today, immigrant rights group Center for Community Change flew the minors into Washington, DC to join the protest.

This protest occurred just a day before May Day, which is when immigration-related protests are held across the nation. Currently, a major immigration reform bill is being considered by the U.S. House of Representatives, following the bill’s passage in the Senate. If passed as is, the reform legislation would give undocumented workers a pathway to citizenship. According to multiple news outlets, President Obama is facing pressure to decrease or completely stop deportations, which are said to be at a record high. Equal Voice reports that the President has announced that his administration would carry out a review that would look into how deportations could be made more humane. Lowering the number of deportations is a possibility that the U.S. Homeland Secretary is reportedly considering.

The Law Offices of Daniel Shanfield – Immigration Defense, PC handles various types of immigration-related legal matters. Whether you need help fighting deportation, with applying for a green card, with applying for citizenship or with some other immigration matter, our San Jose immigration defense lawyers can provide you with effective legal representation. Contact our firm today!

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