President Obama Announces Changes to Immigration System

President Obama Announces Changes to Immigration System

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Following the November elections, President Barack Obama announced that he would be taking steps to develop one of the most comprehensive immigration reforms in over a decade. As a result of his plan, nearly 5 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States will have the opportunity to live here legally.

Recent estimates have placed the number of undocumented immigrants living in the country at around 11 million. Around 4.4 million of those are the parents of American citizens and permanent residents. Since they are considered to be living in the country illegally, all of these individuals face a constant fear of being thrown in jail and deported for even the most minor of actions.

What will be accomplished by this reform?

The new plan developed by President Obama will allow parents of legal residents to remain in the county without fear of deportation and will protect more individuals that were brought into the United States illegally by their parents.

According to the White House, the new plan will:

  • Decrease illegal immigration at the border by deploying more federal resources to this are and deport immigrants that recently entered the country illegally;
  • Deport felons by devoting resources to focus on the actions of criminals, not families;
  • Increase accountability by allowing parents of permanent residents and citizens to remain in the county if they pass a background check and pay taxes; and
  • Streamline the process for legal immigration by expanding work authorization for high-skilled workers.

Those that are eligible under the plan will be able to pay taxes and hold jobs, but will not be able to access the insurance that has been mandated under healthcare laws. Those that pass a background check will be issued a Social Security card for the sake of paying taxes.

With so many undocumented workers living their lives in the United States, this plan gives families and opportunity to remain together and strengthen the economy, while focusing on the future of immigration and expanding immigrant rights. Importantly, this plan is not a guarantee of American citizenship. Those seeking to become citizens of the United States must adhere to the same standards that all seeking citizenship are held to.

There are so many issues that apply to those seeking citizenship and permanent residency that have not been addressed in President Obama’s reform. If you are wondering how these new regulations apply to you and your loved ones, consult with an attorney at the Law Offices of Daniel Shanfield – Immigration Defense, PC. No matter what your immigration needs may be, we can work with you to find the right solution!

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