U Visa Attorneys in San Jose

Helping Crime Victims Enter and Stay in the U.S.

Immigration laws are notoriously complex. What makes matters more complicated is when a prospective immigrant is a victim of domestic violence or another crime that can prevent them from getting the support they need to immigrate. In other cases, a person who helps law enforcement with a criminal case may need additional protection and help when entering or staying in the country.

The visa application process for certain immigrants can be complex, so seeking legal counsel is always recommended to ensure your unique needs are met. If you have been a victim of physical or mental abuse, assault, or other crimes, you may be eligible for special protection. Our San Jose immigration law firm can help determine whether you should submit a U visa application and help you through this process.

If you or your family members have been subjected to sexual exploitation, mental abuse, or other illegal acts, please reach out to the immigration attorneys at The Law Offices of Daniel Shanfield Immigration Defense P.C. We have over five decades of combined experience handling a broad range of immigration needs, including obtaining permanent residency or citizenship based on U visas. Call  408-359-4388 to discuss your circumstances with our helpful, compassionate team of attorneys.

What Does a U Visa Do?

The U visa is reserved for criminal victims of many different crimes. This type of visa gives the holder permission to reside in the United States for four years, after which time an extension is required. Getting a green card is much easier when you start on the right path, including seeking the proper visa for your scenario. Contact our law firm for excellent legal representation at every step of the application process.

Some examples of qualifying crimes that could lead to U visa approval include:

  • False imprisonment
  • Sexual assault
  • Abusive sexual contact
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Involuntary servitude
  • Felonious assault
  • Slave trade
  • Stalking
  • Being held hostage
  • Kidnapping
  • Murder
  • Rape
  • Obstruction of justice
  • Torture
  • Fraud in foreign labor contracting
  • Blackmail
  • Domestic violence
  • Unlawful criminal restraint

If you are the victim of any of the above or a related crime, please seek immediate help from an immigration law firm. Our team of lawyers will work diligently to seek justice, including the prosecution of those responsible for your injuries. We can help you on the path toward naturalization or any other immigration goal.

Who Qualifies for a U Visa?

Not everyone qualifies for a U visa, and there is a yearly cap on the number of U visas that may be awarded in the U.S. However, submitting complete applications promptly with the proper documentation can give you and your family the best chances of success. Additionally, there is no cap for family members who need protection and who are the spouse, children, or other eligible relations of the abused individual.

Some requirements for visa U immigration approval include:

  • One of the qualifying crimes was committed against you.
  • The crime took place in the United States.
  • You have suffered physically or mentally because of the criminal activity.
  • You are able and willing to provide critical information about the criminal activity, or if you are under age 16, a close relative or friend can provide this information for you.
  • You are able and willing to aid law enforcement officials in prosecuting those guilty of the crimes committed. Individuals under age 16 may allow a parent, guardian, relative, or close friend to assist law enforcement on their behalf.
  • You are an admissible immigrant according to U.S. laws and regulations.

If you are unsure whether you qualify for a U visa, please get in touch with a trusted immigration lawyer for help. Your attorney can identify the best way for you to pursue your immigration goals and seek safety from those abusing you.

How Can an Immigration Attorney Help Me?

Many immigration cases are complicated, but those involving criminal activity, including crimes committed against a prospective immigrant, can be some of the most complex. It is highly recommended that you consult with an experienced lawyer before attempting to file any forms to the USCIS. Improperly submitted applications can result in delays, denials, and deportation.

Some additional ways an immigration attorney can provide services to aid in your immigration journey include:

  • Helping you determine the correct visa to apply for depending on your unique circumstances
  • Explaining your options and helping you decide how to proceed in your immigration case
  • Helping you find assistance in escaping abusive situations
  • Protecting your legal rights when it comes to U.S. citizens who prevent you from fulfilling immigration requirements
  • Gathering documents on your behalf to complete your form and give you the best chance of success
  • Submitting your petition in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary delays
  • Communicating with USCIS about your case so they have all the necessary information

Should You Hire Our San Jose U Visa Lawyers?

Many victims of crimes who are not yet legal citizens feel that they have nowhere to turn. However, by pursuing a U visa, you can get help and use this challenging situation to make a better life for yourself and your loved ones.

Our U visa lawyers in San Jose are eager to help you get the assistance you need to obtain a visa, green card, or naturalization. We offer excellent legal services, especially when individuals are victims of abuse and other crimes.

Please don’t feel that you have to go through this troubling time alone. Contact our law offices in the San Francisco Bay area to learn what your options are and to get the right petitions filed for the best chance of approval. You can reach us at 408-359-4388 to discuss your situation with our caring, competent legal team.